
Monday, 27 February 2017

Who doesn't love free!

Today is free  small coffee day at McDonalds.  Now, some of you may not prefer going here, however you must admit the coffee is so much better than the competition. I perfer strong coffee  and one with flavour through the whole sip. McDonalds coffee does this. Even better order an americano ( ok, it isn't free to day but just worth a mention ) .

If you are out and about anyway, why not give it a try, afterall it is free!

#Free #freecoffee #blog #morningcoffee #Mcdonalds

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Transition month

WOw, craziness happening with Scentsy!  My team has grown so much this year. We are a team of 45 at the moment and I couldn't be prouder of them.  Each person is trying so hard to work thier business!!

Transition month for us as well, that means most things are 10% off as next month brings a new catalogue.. eeek!!

#business #Scentsy #joinmyteam #career  #makemoney