So... I got to try some cool perfumes. First, thank you to #influenster for allowing me to be a part of this. #gotitforfree Are you Saint or a Sinner? What one suits me best... well, I would like to say SAINT but, family might say otherwise.
OK, getting serious now. I truly think the bottles are adorable. The cold back and white contrast of each is very alluring. I find the one to have more floral scent to it so it appealed to me less. However, I would find an occasion to wear either scent.
Even thought I got it free ( complimentary ) to try, I would purchase again in a heartbeat. Both scents are different so hard to say what one I truly liked more. Price point would be my only concern.
After I sampled both scents, I gave to a friend to try. She prefers Sinner. So... maybe the perfume is just like the name... who knew LOL